Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Benji's research continues...

Benj has done so much work on finding out how to make our house actually function well as an off-grid and self sustaining home... I'm not sure what would've happened if he wasn't so proactive about all this stuff... maybe Michael would've had to get some other expert in on the job...

Anyway lately he's been looking at Evacuated Tube Solar hot water systems...

Meanwhile I am fluffing about looking at colour samples... I sometimes feel like a bit of a ditz... but I guess it works that we are good at/interesting in different things.

We've also been trying to decide on external cladding... so on the weekend we did a few drive-bys
past houses with cladding we like... not sure what people who saw me would've thought as I jumped out of the car, raced up to the outside of their house and marked the width of their weatherboards on a piece of paper while Benji and Budu waited in the running car!!  Anyway... at least now we know what we're after - Scyon Linea Weatherboards 180mm... they've got good bushfire ratings even if the company is far from admirable in their past ethical history...

This is an example:

I think it'll look good on our house with it's elongated design... lovely long lines...

Monday, May 28, 2012

How life goes...

Somthing from my diary from a few years ago... I was reflecting on Benji's and my relationship and on life in general....

Here we are at the convergence of a series of events stretching further back into history than can be recorded. The focal point.  The point at which time’s own light rays, having passed through innumerable lenses and prisms and refractory media, unite, at a single moment in time.  All the what-ifs and if-onlys and maybes have had light pass through them, with such perfect timing, that here we are, right now.  And it doesn’t matter if you believe in fate, or a god (the Travel God’s even?), or destiny, or whatever... it is still a marvellous miracle to observe the path your rays of light have travelled in order to arrive at a single point of convergence.   

I see myself ticking the box on my residential college application for university... I see Benji, two years before that, ticking the same box for the same college....  I see Benji choosing to go the pub that night we met, he nearly didn’t go.... I see him standing in the middle of a crowded street in India and me walking away... I see me living with a different partner, a different life, knowing things weren’t quite right... and then me leaving, squeezing all my belongings, including my dog, Roadie, into my station wagon, heading back to Queensland... I see me sitting in an internet cafe in Spain, sending an email to a Benji whom I haven’t seen in years, subconsciously (or maybe not?) sending a little spark to reignite old thoughts of me... I see Benji telling his other partner that things were not right between them and that they must end it... I see me being told by my physio that I need to stop running so much, and why not try cycling instead?... I see Benji, at around the same time, and unbeknown to me, in the opposite hemisphere deciding to buy a bike and cycle from Vancouver to Las Angeles...I see me prostrate on the old fashioned, rose print carpet, struggling to find a reason to move or even breath... while there is Benji, cycling alone, into the driving rain and wind... I see us both back living in Brisbane, at the same point in time, after so many years, both single, still friends (just friends), still mixing in the same circles, still sharing our inner thoughts about life with each other...

But look further back still... there’s my father coming to Australia (he’d discovered they would pay skilled foreigners to immigrate), and now going to that dance in a wooden hall in outback Australia... he’s asking a little Red-Head to dance, she’s saying yes...now they’re getting married...and having children...

And there is the DNA of my grandmother Lucy, being threaded into mine...strong legs and strong will...and of my Spanish ancestors...gypsies longing to travel...

And there are Benji’s parents, Australia bound from New Zealand, there are no work visas required...and now they’re moving over from Western Australia to Queensland...

And there are our grand parents...our great grandparents...there are wars and famine and disease...options, decisions, obligations, chances and choices...

And now here it all is!   Right now, light rays of time having interacted with these lenses and mirrors of the past, are coming together with all their stories and memories and wisdom, and converging at this focal point.  And it is comforting to know that no darkness, no matter how absolute or final it seems is impenetrable.  You will find a speck, a glimmer, a photon to focus on, a bicycle, a friendship, a reason to move again, or a point at which new light rays can converge together.  But look!  It is not an end point.   Now, the light will refract.  The rays will be diverged and sent off in other directions, onwards, onwards, off into the future. 
The beauty, of course, is watching to see what will be illuminated as the light continues onward.

Monday, May 21, 2012



I've been going over old photos to keep myself inspired... and I've realised little Budu has not yet been out to put his lovely, little, nine month old fingers in the soil!  This weekend perhaps...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Another meeting with Michael...

Had a meeting with Michael yesterday... little Budu was a champ... as per his usual happy little self, no whinging or whining...just merrily crawling around at our feet whilst we sorted out some of the finer details of lighting/electrical and a few other bits and bobs before we can go to tender... jeez it's getting close now... sigh... can't wait for things to start haaaaaappening.  Yay!