Sunday, May 3, 2015

A trip to the nursery!

On the weekend we took a trip out to one of the local nurseries, Wharkuroogma,  and bought a carful of plants... enough to keep us busy for the next couple of weeks.  We didn't have to spend too much and it feels like we have heeaps of plants to put in.  Very exciting. As I type I am awaiting a load of soil to help give my new guys a good start in life!

We bought:
- three grapevines for the patios;
- lilipillies to create a screening hedge;
- Cuphea (C. hyssopifolia) for ground cover around the pool;
- Alternanthera ("Purple splash") ditto;
- Evolvulus ("Blue eyes") ditto;
- Photinia - because I love the deep red colour of the new foliage... don't know where I'll put it yet;
- Olive trees - a couple of varieties for the olive grove

Around the pool:  cupheas, alternantheras, evolvuluses and some little red salvias  (sourced from the side of the road about 1k down the road!)

Helping mummy spread the sugarcane mulch.

Building a dam... just a toy one!

Poppy would be proud.  I came home from a swim to find Grammy and Sebastian out the back building a miniature dam in the run-off water from the recent rain.  We spent the morning getting clay and rocks and sticks for our construction.  (It's possible Grammy and I has as much or more fun than Budi!) There is even a bridge and parkland with seat for stick people. 

Mud-reinforced bridge.

Stick people enjoying the sunshine.

Sourcing vegetation.

Site Engineer.
