Grevillea (looks like an olive tree)
Preparing new babies...
I have started to collect cuttings from native plants ...from the neighbourhood! I sort of feel bad - like I am stealing - well actually nah, I don't really feel bad but it does feel just a little bit illegal walking around the streets and helping myself to cuttings from plants in public parks and people's gardens!
Anyway my first few little babies are in their pots... the plan is to have a heap of ready-to-plant baby shrubs/trees potted for when it finally comes time to do some landscaping at the block... that seems like a life time away, but no harm in getting prepared now!
Technically I should be doing this potting of cuttings in summer/autumn (according to what I've read) but we'll see how they go. I've potted them in a mix (about 50/50) of river sand and potting mix and also used some rooting powder (now there's a product you don't want to ask for in the wrong place) so hopefully I will get some success!
Grevillea - cream/yellow flowers
Callistimon (bottlebrush)
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