Wednesday, November 12, 2014

wooohoooo - hand-over is THIS friday!!!!

Ok... so by the 28th of this month we have to be out of good old Mara Place... which means suddenly we have to:

1. get a heap of packing boxes
2. actually pack all our stuff up... oh god we've doubled the human count of our family since we last moved!
3. manage to keep it packed without S unpacking it again
4. clean the house
5. manage to keep it clean without S fouling it up again!
6. pull all the alterations off the house: window safety bars, shade-cloth, fences, veggie gardens, kitchen cupboard doors (put back on), sky-light blockerouter, sandpit, a thousand picture hooks
7. de-scribble/de-paint/de-crayon/de-sticker/repaint (who would've thought stickytape could do so much damage to paint work!) the whole house
8. pray for rain to fill our 10 000L tank ...yeah, not gonna happen... so I guess we'll have to
9. buy a load of water
10. buy a bed (?)
11. paint our old bed
12. organise a removalist
13. redirect mail
14. begin our new lives in our little country town

.... and I'm sure that's just the beginning!!!!

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