Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Stand back, appreciate and marmalade it.

Recently, after planting a row of lillipillies as a screen for our massive water tank I told Sebastian: "The most important part of finishing off a job is to stand back and appreciate and marvel at it."
He knitted his confused, little eyebrows together and asked: "Appreciate and marmalade it?!"

Anyway, I've been beavering away at heap of little projects around the place... a lot of the time things go unfinished because Petra wakes up, or Sebastian needs me to make a bmx jump, or we are off adventuring in the bush, or catching up with Boonah life... but slowly things are coming together.  SLOWLY!

The garden is taking longer than I would like (patience is not a virtue of mine) and I have decided after a few minor failures (sad citrus, poor pomegranate, goodbye vera etc) and after doing a bit of reading that it is better to establish good beds with fertile soil even if it takes a while of having NOTHING at all growing.... so I am just doing some mega building-up-the-garden-bed-with-mushroom-compost-horse-poo-gypsum-home-made-compost-and-worm-castings-etc action in preparation for spring.

Ps I would just like to marmalade the fact that I have planted over 35 trees so far....many more to come!

Here are a few (non-chronological) photos (more to follow over the next week hopefully) of things around the place over the past couple of bog-neglected months...

Speaking of progress... look who is standing, not quite walking yet!

Leon's (the builder's) idea: the kids' handprints in the new slab for the outdoor shower.  And as Leon said "Oh my word how cute is that?!" 

Rock removal team.

Steps from the olive grove up to the house.

The woodshed floor is done... just needs a roof!

One of my lillipilly screens... this one to hide the polytunnel.

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