Monday, August 10, 2015

Let's get cracking!!!!

Took a trip a couple of days ago with Grammy and the little-uns to Paten Park Native Nursery in The Gap (Brissy) to purchase a heap of new plants for the garden.

Had a cracking day with the team.  Purchased 75 plants (tube stock) for only 2 bucks each!!!  Sebastian was very helpful at the nursery ferrying plants to our trolley.  Petra was less helpful and found a Petra-sized mud puddle and plonked herself right down into it.

After we'd loaded the car with our haul, we headed off to the park for some Paul-Napthali-Slice and a run around.  Sebastian invented the term "imbulator" to describe a piece of play equipment, a bit poly-pipe which he used for "imbulating" various sticks, rocks, leaves etc.  (?!!!)

We now have the job of getting all our babies into the soil before they die/outgrow their tube pots.  It's going to be a busy weekend... I've spent today (Benji's Friday off) digging out the garden beside the south facing verandah and adding gypsum and mushroom compost.  Benj was the raking maniac (raking like he's never raked before) in preparation for the next patch of lawn to be seeded.

Also finished all the firebreak work.  Just waiting for Bruce and the fireies to give the call!

Yes!!!! Things are happening.

Oh and we've started seeding patch number three of lawn.

Budi wielding the grass seed disperser.

Spin it little dude.

Taking a well deserved break.

Westringia (coastal rosemary) ... fourteen of them in a row (!) eventually they will form a hedge along along the south facing verandah (hopefully).

More natives... Austromyrtus dulcis (midyim berry), Phaleria clerodendron (scented Daphne) and a type of native voilet I think! Bad photo.

Lillypillies along the southern bank.

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